when I read/watch news articles I see a lot of information the is A: not correct or B: not entirely true. So I will be providing rebuttal to the news. I will provide references but somethings will come from my personal experiences and know-how. I will pro
JustSimplyBob's Articles In Current Events
June 28, 2007 by JustSimplyBob
In case you have not heard, a Michigan woman is suing Mars because; it caused her to develop Temporal Mandible Joint Dysfunction and “permanent personal injuries”. Come the foo-foo on! Victoria McArthur was chewing on a piece of lemon Starburst Chewy candy back in April of 2005. She claims that the piece of candy had caused her teeth to become misaligned. “I don’t know, maybe about 3 chews and it literally locked my jaw… and just literally pulled my jaw out of joint.” I have not fou...
June 23, 2007 by JustSimplyBob
The EPA announced that they want to increase the air quality standards. Many oppose it citing the cost would out weigh the health benefits. The Daily Green [http://www.thedailygreen.com/2007/06/22/epa-smog-plan-criticized/2843/] reports that the EPA reports that 104 counties have smog levels that don’t meet current limits. Also with the proposed standards 533 counties would not be with in standards. After spending considerable time on the EPA website [http://www.epa.gov] reading through ev...
June 21, 2007 by JustSimplyBob
Ok, Let's start taking apart this news story. First off, I am glad Boeing is helping on the operation of the system. The Army does not have anybody trained to use this system yet. Let alone fix any problems with it. With Boeing being there to fix and partially operate the system is a good thing. They are not only able to spot problems but able to come up with solutions to bugs in the system. This is not the first (nor the last) military system that the company built, that they are a b...