First off, sorry for the absence, I have really busy and
have not seen a article that has really grabbed my attention.
About 12,000 Americans will be shot to death this year. I
would like to know more about this figure. How many will be shot because of
accidents? How many will be shot because
of self-defense? How many will be shot in cold blooded murder?
I find it funny and very dumb that someone thinks it is ok
to sue a gun maker because a gun kills their loved one. In what way does that make sense? Using that
logic we should sue Ginsu because a knife killed someone.
What I also trying to figure out is why do we need to turn
to the gun makers to curb gun violence? What I think we need more is enforcement
and maybe stiffer penalties for breaking the laws. Performance-based regulation
is an absurd solution to this problem. Sen. Michael D. Enzi (R-Wyo.) thinks
that we can use Performance-based regulation as a cookie cutter solution to all
our problems. According to the article, he has put forward to proposal to help
curb gun violence. The NRA has been
doing their part to curb gun violence and yet the antigun nuts do not like
them. Do you know what the NRA has been trying to do to curb gun violence? By
teaching gun safety.
Now, how can you get some of the international gun makers to
curb gun violence in the US? I am will to bet if you ask The Izhevsk Machine
Tool Factory (they currently hold the patent for the AK-47) to curb violence
here and punish them if they do not. They will only laugh at you.
The two things I think that will work for curbing gun violence
in the US are Education and Enforcement.
Also, if you want to be technical, guns do not kill people
bullets do. I bet you can name a gun manufacturer, but can you name an
ammunition manufacturer? Without using google.